10 Reasons Why You Should Try Microgreens

If you’ve been looking to add more greens to your diet, microgreens are just the thing. These teeny tiny versions of common greens like kale, arugula and mustard are packed with vitamins and minerals. Just one tablespoon of most microgreens will give you as much Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin K as a full cup of spinach. In this blog post you’ll learn everything you need to know about growing microgreens at home. From the benefits of adding them to your diet, the best ways to grow them and lots more besides. Let’s get started!

What are Microgreens?

Microgreens are tiny, edible plants harvested in their early stages of growth, retaining both their roots and leaves. Despite their small size, they are densely packed with essential nutrients and vitamins, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A, along with minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc.

Due to their nutritional richness, microgreens are prized additions to various dishes. Initially used as garnishes, they’ve found their way into a multitude of culinary creations. From salads to sandwiches, smoothies to soups, and even cookies and pizza, the versatility of microgreens knows no bounds.

Their delicate flavors and vibrant colors make them a favorite among chefs and home cooks alike, elevating dishes with both visual appeal and nutritional value. With a wide range of microgreens available, from peppery arugula to earthy beet greens, there’s something to suit every palate and dish.

10 Reasons Why You Should Try Microgreens
1. Nutrient-Dense

Microgreens are incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals. A tablespoon of most microgreens contains as much Vitamin A, C, and K as a full cup of mature spinach. They’re also a great source of essential minerals like iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc.

2. Quick Harvest

One of the most appealing aspects of growing microgreens is their rapid growth cycle. Most varieties are ready to harvest just 2-3 weeks after planting, allowing for a quick turnaround from seed to plate.

3. Space-Efficient (No Need for Sunlight)

Microgreens don’t require a lot of space or direct sunlight, making them ideal for urban dwellers with limited growing areas. They can thrive on windowsills or under standard fluorescent lights.

4. Beginner-Friendly

Growing microgreens is straightforward, making it an excellent option for novice gardeners. You need just a small tray, some soil, and seeds, and you’re all set to start your mini indoor garden.

5. Engages Children with Food

Involving kids in growing microgreens is a wonderful way to engage them with food. It’s a fun, educational activity that can help children understand where their food comes from and encourage healthier eating habits.

6. Increases Veggie Intake for Picky Eaters

The mild yet flavorful taste of microgreens can make them more appealing to picky eaters. Adding them to dishes like smoothies, sandwiches, and pizzas is an easy way to increase vegetable intake.

7. Affordable

Microgreens are cost-effective to grow. You can start with just a few seeds and some basic supplies, and because they grow quickly, you get a fast return on your investment.

8. Flavorful

Don’t let their small size fool you; microgreens pack a punch when it comes to flavor. They can add a fresh, vibrant touch to salads, soups, and many other dishes.

9. Pest-Free and Low Maintenance

Since they are grown indoors and harvested quickly, microgreens are less likely to suffer from pests and diseases. This makes them a low-maintenance option for busy gardeners.

10. Trendy

Microgreens have become a trendy ingredient in kitchens and restaurants around the world. Incorporating them into your meals not only boosts your health but also keeps you up-to-date with culinary trends.

How to Grow Microgreens at Home?

Growing microgreens is incredibly easy, especially if you have access to a window. If you don’t, they can also be grown indoors using a grow light. All you need is a small pot, soil, and seeds. Most microgreens can be grown from common garden or kitchen seeds, but sprouting seeds like quinoa or buckwheat are especially effective.

You can grow microgreens in any type of pot, and there are many sizes and styles to choose from. Whether you want a small pot for your windowsill or a larger one to grow more microgreens, there’s an option for everyone.

When selecting soil, ensure it’s free of pesticides. Alternatively, you can use a seed starter mix which provides the perfect environment for microgreens to thrive. Microgreens can be harvested at any point in their growth, but the optimal time is around three weeks. To harvest, gently remove the soil from the roots, rinse them in water, and store in the fridge. They can be used for up to 10 days after harvesting.

The Health Benefits of Microgreens

Microgreens are not only packed with vitamins and minerals but are also a great source of fiber and protein. They provide as much protein as a cup of beans and are rich in fiber, making them an excellent addition for anyone looking to increase their fiber intake.

The high fiber content helps keep your digestive system healthy and keeps you feeling full longer, aiding in weight management. Additionally, consuming more fiber can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels, contributing to a healthier lifestyle. Microgreens are also low in calories, making them an ideal choice for those looking to reduce calorie intake.

Tips for Growing Microgreens at Home

Microgreens are incredibly versatile in the kitchen. You can add them to sandwiches, salads, smoothies, soups, and casseroles. They are also commonly used in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisines and make a great topping for pizzas.

Because microgreens are so easy to grow at home, they are a fantastic way to increase your vegetable intake. They are also simple to store and maintain, as they do not require refrigeration. This makes microgreens an excellent choice for anyone looking to eat healthily and keep fresh greens on hand for longer.

Final Words

Microgreens are an excellent way to add more vegetables to your diet. They are packed full of vitamins and minerals and contain a lot of fiber too. They are extremely easy to grow at home and can be used in all sorts of different ways. From salads to smoothies to casseroles and soups – there are lots of things you can use microgreens in. And they are the perfect choice for anyone who is looking to eat more healthily or lower their calorie intake.

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