What is the best way to relieve kidney stone pain?

You must assure yourself that your kidneys are operating properly since your kidneys remove the wastes and extra water to generate urine; they are filtering around a half cup of blood every minute. Fluid and mineral balance are maintained by kidneys.

If your kidneys aren’t doing their job, your muscles, nerves, and tissues may not function properly. You can turn to our post if you’re unsure how to tell if your kidneys are doing their job.

Let’s take a brief look at the vital functions of the kidney:

  • Maintaining a healthy balance of blood minerals and removing wastes and pollutants. 
  • Hormone and blood pressure control.
  • Maintaining your osseous structure’s strength and health.
  • Keeping your body’s fluid balance in a healthy state is important.
  • Producing red blood cells by discharging the hormones that do so.

Kidneys are affected by various conditions that can interfere with the functioning of the kidneys, and the most common one includes kidney stones,

Kidney stones are hard masses that form in the kidneys as a result of urine substance buildup in the organ’s filtering system.  The major set of kidney stones do not require to undergo medical intervention and are self-limited. However, there are situations when a stone refuses to go away. It may become lodged in the urinary tract, obstructing urine flow and causing excruciating discomfort.

What are the early signs that indicate the presence of kidney stones?

A common symptom of kidney stones is a strong, cramping pain in the lower back and the sides. IThis sensation can also go to the lower abdomen or in between the thighs. It’s not uncommon for the pain to come on unexpectedly and in bursts. When you are trying to get rid of the stone, you may have symptoms that come and go.

  • Urination that is more frequent or painful.
  • Urine that is dark or red due to the presence of blood. A certain quantity of red blood cells that is present in the urine at times are visible to the naked eye.
  • A man’s penis may ache from time to time.

Determinants of the kidney stones:

Many variables can raise the risk of kidney stones, however no one cause is responsible for all kidney stone cases.

Crystal-forming substances including calcium, oxalate, and uric acid can build up in your urine and cause kidney stones. Additionally, your urine may lack chemicals that prevent crystals from forming, leading to the development of kidney stones.

Some of the most common types of kidney stones include:

Stones that are put together due to calcium content: 

It’s the most prevalent type of calcium oxalate that causes kidney stone formation. Daily, your liver generates or absorbs oxalate, which is a chemical compound. Oxalate is found in a variety of foods and vegetables, including nuts and chocolate. Reach out to the Best Kidney Stone Hospital in Coimbatore to get the best treatment.

Struvite stone:

Struvite stones are caused by urinary tract infections. These stones can grow fast and significantly in size, frequently without any signs or warning.

Uric acid stone:

People with diabetes or metabolic syndrome are more likely to produce uric acid stones if they have a low protein diet, chronic diarrhea or malabsorption, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or any combination of these conditions.

Cystine stones:

These stones form in people who have cystinuria, a hereditary disorder in which the kidneys excrete an excessive amount of a certain amino acid.

It has been determined that the following is the diagnosis:

Blood sample assessment:

Blood tests may suggest that you have an excessive amount of calcium or uric acid in your system. The findings of a blood test can assist your doctor in monitoring the health of your kidneys and may urge them to seek for other medical problems as a result.

Urine sample assessment:

The 24-hour urine collection test may demonstrate that you are excreting either an excessive amount or a deficiency of stone-forming minerals, depending on your situation. Your doctor may ask you to collect two urine samples over two days for this test. 

Imaging process:

Kidney stones may be discovered through imaging of the urinary tract. Even the smallest stones can be spotted using high-speed or dual-energy computational tomography (CT).

Because ordinary abdominal X-rays can miss small kidney stones, they aren’t as common as they used to be.

Examination of stones: 

To catch stones that you pass, you may be requested to urinate through a filter. The composition of your kidney stones will be revealed through laboratory investigation. Your doctor will use this information to determine what is causing your kidney stones and to develop a strategy to prevent them from recurring. 

The discussed mixture of methods can be utilized to get rid of kidney stones: 

How long you’ve been suffering symptoms is an important factor in determining the type of treatment for kidney stone pain you’ll need. There are a variety of therapies available. It’s critical to discuss your options with your health care professional. If you have kidney stones, make an appointment with the best Coimbatore kidney stone hospital now.


By using sound waves (shock waves), SWL is able to break up large stones into smaller pieces that can be passed through your urine. As a result of the lengthy surgery (45 to 60 minutes) and the possibility of discomfort, you may be given a sedative or light anesthesia to help you relax.


Through a small incision in the back, small telescopes and instruments are inserted in order to access and remove kidney stones from the body during percutaneous nephrolithotomy.

Scope procedure:

A camera-equipped ureteroscope can be inserted into your urethra and bladder to remove a small stone from your ureter or kidney.

Kidney stones are not considered life-threatening but they can progress to kidney infections or renal failure if left untreated, which can be extremely painful and debilitating.

What measures may be taken to reduce the risk of kidney stones?

Drink plenty of water:

When it comes to kidney stones, a urologist would typically counsel those who have a history of kidney stones to drink enough water to pass approximately 2.1 quarts (2 litres) of urine per day. You may be asked to measure your urine output by your doctor in order to ensure that you are getting adequate water.

Limiting salt intake:

Limit sodium (salt) and animal protein (meat and eggs) in your diet. If your doctor can determine what your kidney stone is composed of, they may recommend a specific diet to help you avoid future kidney stones.

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